Universities Caribbean Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education Institutions in the Region
Universities Caribbean reaches out to its Members and to all universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) in the region during this challenging time of COVID-19. According to the UNESCO, many millions of students are currently unable to attend classes – and the number is growing daily. HEIs are struggling to find the appropriate solutions to respond to emerging problems while maximising the opportunities.
By taking part in this survey, you will be able to share if and how your institution has been affected by the current health situation.
Questions relate to students and academic staff mobility; access to classes/campus; extent of disruption of teaching, learning, as well as research.
The main objective is to gather data about the impact on the wider Caribbean region. The results of the survey will allow the higher education sector and society at large to better understand strategies to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.