Travel Grants

Call for Travel Grant Award Applications

For the 49th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) in St. Martin from June 1-7, 2025, the CSA is able to offer a limited number of travel awards, aimed at assisting the following applicants:

  • Category A: Graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. degree. Priority will be given to those residing and working in the Greater Caribbean (insular and continental), but applications are also welcome from candidates from the rest of the world.
  • Category B: Full-time scholars with institutional affiliation who do not have access to any funding from their institutions or countries. Priority is given to those residing and working in the Greater Caribbean (insular and continental), in particular under-resourced Caribbean nations. This category is also open to applications from artists and writers from under-resourced Greater Caribbean nations, with a relevant proposal to the conference program.
  • Category C: Retired and independent outstanding applicants with no institutional affiliation and from under-resourced Greater Caribbean nations.

The aim of this grant is to assist current and potential members who do not have access to adequate funding from their institutions or countries, and who will not be able to attend the conference without some external funding.

Candidates can apply for a travel grant which will cover some of the cost for them to participate in the 2025 conference. In all cases, the number of awarded grants will depend on the limited budget available and mainly on the donations made by the members and institutions during the (pre-registration process.)

All travel grant awardees will be expected to be in attendance at the conference and to volunteer a few hours of their time to assist the organizing committee onsite during the conference. The secretariat will coordinate the volunteer times as needed to implement the 2025 conference.

The grant application is personal and must include the following items:

  1. Title and abstract of the paper or other proposal sent to the Program Committee. If the applicant is part of a pre-organized panel, the general details on the panel (title, names of other presenters and titles of their papers) should also be indicated.
  2. Acknowledgement from the Program Committee of receipt and/or acceptance of your abstract submission.
  3. Summarized Curriculum Vitae (not more than 2 pages) with emphasis on the current teaching, research, or artistic activities, as well as publications or exhibitions.
  4. Applicant´s personal statement of why they should be awarded the grant. This is a summary of what they will bring to the 2025 conference; what CSA means for them professionally; where the applicant’s particular presentation fits into their research/teaching/artistic experience, and future projects; in this statement, candidates must indicate whether they have previously received a grant from CSA and for which conference.
  5. Signed declaration clearly indicating applicant’s employment status (title, position, responsibilities, part-time or full-time position).

Applications should be submitted online: CLICK HERE

Deadline: February 28, 2025

Contact Information:

Selection Criteria

A selection committee consisting of two or more CSA members in full-standing will assign the funds and preference will be given to candidates whose abstracts or proposals demonstrate at least one of these qualities:

  1. Relevance to Conference theme ( See Call for Abstracts:
  2. Relevance of topic in terms of shaping policy, development and social practices in the region.
  3. Relevance in terms of promoting multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-institutional and trans-disciplinary panels.
  4. Significance and originality of topic in terms of advancing scholarship throughout the region.

Economic need will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the CSA Travel Grant Committee.

Your interest and commitment to CSA is welcomed and appreciated.