Translating Caribbean Ecologies
All are welcome to the online symposium Translating Caribbean Ecologies on 2nd September 1pm-5.30pm (GMT+1).
Please find Zoom joining details below.
Attendees are kindly asked to register at this link: CLICK HERE
Meeting ID: 870 5828 2829
Passcode: m5FUht
Translating Caribbean Ecologies Schedule
1.00-1.15pm Opening remarks Sara-Louise Cooper
1.15-2.45pm Listening Translators and Translating Listeners
- Vahni Anthony Capildeo and Gemma Robinson, ‘Listening to the Land’: Eco-conversing through the work of Martin Carter
- Margaret Cunningham, ‘Talking Volcanoes: Landscape and/as female memory in French Caribbean Disaster Narratives’
- Isabel Bradley, ‘Meetings of Skin and Starch: The Counter-Plantation Poetics of Manioc and its Cultivators’
2.45-3.00pm Break
3.00-4.30pm Kinships across species and cultures
- Théophilo Jarbath, ‘Traditional games and toys, contemporary playful practices as praxis for reflecting on the linguistic and ecological environments of the French-speaking Caribbean’
- Joseph Hankinson, ‘Between the Caribbean and the Amazon: Translation, Equivocation, and Ecology in Wilson Harris’s Fiction’
- Bethany Miller, ‘Deconstructing the human/nature dichotomy: a postcolonial ecocritical approach to Patrick Chamoiseau’s Chroniques des sept misères (1986), Les neuf consciences du Malfini (2009), and “Le diamant: la beauté comme conscience” (2011)’
4.30-5.30pm Sharae Deckard, ‘Maroon Ecology, Climate Emergency and Revolt in Caribbean Literature’