Three edited collections on Domestic Violence
Dear Colleagues
My name is Ann Marie Bissessar, a full, tenured Professor in Public Management, Department of Political Science, The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago. I am also one of five persons who was awarded the prestigious Vice Chancellor’s Award (2019) for Research and Service to the University.
I demitted the Office of Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences on July 31st 2019 after serving, quite successfully, a four year term. I previously served as Deputy Dean and then as the Head of Behvioural Sciences. I also served as a Member of the Integrity Commission of Trinidad and Tobago as well as served a Consultant with Organisations such as the IADB/World Bank and CIDA. I am an Academic Member of the Caribbean Leadership Project as well as ACAD/ The United Nations Anti-Corruption arm. I am presently on leave w.e.f. 1st July 2019- 31st December 2019. I will then proceed on Study and Sabbatical Leave w.e.f. 1st May 2020- 31st July 2021. It means that during this period I am a civilian and will therefore be able to devote ALL my time to research and further publication. I am accordingly asking those of YOU with an interest and with the competence to assist me with a Chapter or Two towards any one of three edited collections.
- THE MANY FACES OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE- DEEPENING THE DIALOGUE. – Eds. Ann Marie Bissessar and Camille Huggins (Camille Huggins, PH.D is a lecturer in Social Work, Department of Behavioural Sciences, St Augustine- ).
We have already issued a Call for Papers and have over 11 abstracts. The themes for this book are:
- Understanding Domestic Violence
- Perpetrators and Victims
- Causes and Consequences
The deadline date for submission of Abstracts is the 20th August 2019. If interested please ensure your abstract is no more than 250 lines, that you submit a bio-sketch with your affiliation, along with your contact numbers. The next steps for us, the editors is to compile this and send to publishing houses with an interest no later than the 2nd week of September 2019. Once we get a positive response we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will try to give you at least six months to prepare your chapter.
- HISTORICISING THE CULTURE OF VIOLENCE AGAIN WOMEN- a GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE- Eds. Ann Marie Bissessar and Heather Cateau (Heather Cateau, Ph.D. is a Senior Lecturer and the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, St Augustine Campus- )
The editors would like to have persons with an interest in this area and would appreciate submissions from colleagues regionally as well as colleagues from India, Africa, Latin America, China, Japan, as well as the North American Continent.
Kindly submit Abstracts (250 words), name, affiliation, contact information by the end of November 2019.
In this book I will like to have a focus on persons including deportees, refugees, and immigrants as well as indigenous persons.
Kindly submit your abstracts by the end of November, 2019.
My best wishes
Ann Marie Bissessar ( or call 1-868-669-0286)