Call for Papers

Caribbean Without Borders 2020: Voices of Change & Resistance

The theme of Voices of Change and Resistance is broadly conceived to welcome presentations of literary, linguistic, pedagogical, and social representations that explore the voices of change and resistance within the Caribbean.

Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

  • Literature and linguistics focusing on resistance within Caribbean culture, politics, and society.
  • Language variation, language planning and policy, discourse analysis, and pragmatics in the Caribbean.
  • Pedagogical research on academic, cultural, historical and/or socio-political resistance within the Caribbean.
  • Pedagogical techniques used within the Caribbean in reference to literature of resistance and change.
  • Resistance and change within Caribbean cultural communities.
  • New readings on classic and contemporary Caribbean literature.

Conference Dates: Tuesday, March 3- Thursday, March 5, 2020

Conference Location: University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus

Call for Papers Deadline: November 4, 2019

Please send a 250-500 word abstract of your work and a 150-word bio in an MS Word document. In the email, please include name, contact information, and institutional affiliation (if it applies).

We accept abstracts in English, Spanish, and French.
Please send your submissions to