The Caribbeanization of Black Politics
Special Issue of the National Political Science Review: The Journal of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists
Sharon D. Wright Austin, Guest Editor
Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the African American Studies Program
The University of Florida
The term “Caribbeanization” has been used to denote to increasing impact of Caribbean immigrants and citizens on the political scene of urban cities. After a 1965 federal immigration law removed several restrictions on immigration, an increasing number of immigrants of color migrated to American cities. Because the Caribbean population has increased substantially since 1965, a black Caribbean constituency has impacted the political and economic status of several cities. Some observers have even referred to Caribbean immigrants as a “model minority” because of the economic and political successes the achieved.
African Americans have viewed their political growth with both support and suspicion. In cities, such as New York, tensions have been evident between African Americans and West Indians as the latter group carved a niche as a constituency separate and apart from African Americans. Dominicans have also won several elective offices in New York City. Inevitably, a Dominican representative will win election to Congress in the 13th district that has been represented by African American Congressmen Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and Charles Rangel, respectively, since 1944. Haitian Americans have elected Haitian mayors and majority Haitian city councils in the North Miami municipality of Miami-Dade County. Lastly, Haitian American candidates have served in appointed and elected positions in the city of Boston.
This special issue of the National Political Science Review is soliciting articles that examine the political assimilation, behavior, candidacies, coalitions, development, identification, and ideologies of Caribbean immigrants and citizens. We especially are interested in publishing articles that discuss the political alliances they have formed with African Americans and other citizens. We are seeking articles that use either quantitative or qualitative methodological approaches.
Please submit a one-page, typed, double-spaced abstract with a 12-point font that includes a brief summary of relevant hypotheses, research question(s), and a description of data and methods to Sharon Austin ( by November 20, 2015. The National Political Science Review is a refereed, blind-reviewed academic journal that was first established in 1989. For more information on the journal, see: