Social Science Speaker’s Series Presents Dr. Anton Allahar
Dr. Anton Allahar
Distinguished Professor of Sociology
Western University
Thursday, March 23rd, 2-3 pm D1060
“Democracy on Trial: Donald Trump, post-truth, alternative facts and fake news.”
Dr. Anton L. Allahar was born in Trinidad, West Indies and completed his graduate studies in Political & Economic Sociology at the University of Toronto. He is currently a Full Professor of Sociology at Western University. Dr. Allahar’s main areas of interest are economic development, the politics of globalization & democracy, and ethnicity, nationalism and racial relations, as these apply to the Caribbean and Latin America. Dr. Allahar has won 6 major awards for excellence in teaching, including the Western’s USC/Bank of Nova Scotia award in 1996 and again in 2002. He is the only person ever to have won this award twice. Before this, Anton was honoured with the UWO’s Gold Medal and Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1986 and more recently he won 3 major awards for excellence in university teaching: the province-wide OCUFA in 2004, the national 3M award in 2005, and the Government of Ontario’s LIFT award in 2007. These awards are a testament to the passion Professor Allahar has for teaching and the impact he has on his students.
Everyone is welcome. No registration is required.
For more information, please contact: Dr. Amanda Zavitz
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