SLCS Director Position Announcement
Description: The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) at Oregon State University invites applications and nominations for the Director of the School of Language, Culture, and Society (SLCS). The Director leads a unique school of learners, teachers, and scholars in the continuing development of its shared vision. The Director supervises the School’s academic programs (Anthropology; College Student Services Administration; Ethnic Studies;
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; and World Languages and Cultures) and serves as chief administrative officer and advocate for the school as a whole. The SLCS advances innovative and applied scholarship at the intersection of the social sciences and the humanities. We share commitments to social justice, diverse communities of people and perspectives, and meaningful communication through social, cultural, and linguistic
scholarship and practice.
The next Director will
- lead the faculty in an ongoing process of refining the School’s vision and identity
- effect strategy to further the School vision in relation to college and university goals and policies
- foster the applied focus of the School to engage with communities locally, nationally, and transnationally through scholars hip and practice
- support the teaching, scholarly/creative, and service functions of the School
- manage personnel, budgets, and other resources
- represent the School internally and externally
The Director is a full-time (1.0 FTE) 12-month academic administrator tenured at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor.