Seminars and Conferences

Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Geopolitics Winter Course

On behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Geopolitics (LACIGS) we hereby announce the second edition of its annual winter course on geopolitics for the region: 21st Century Geopolitics Impacting Latin America and the Caribbean, which might be of interest to your institution.

This year’s winter course will be held 6-11 November at the University of Curacao(UOC) and at the Inter-Continental University of the Caribbean (ICUC).  The ICUC is in the historical port city of Willemstad Curaçao, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.           

The aim of the course is the advancement of the study of Geopolitics to better understand the issues that shape and impact development, peace and security on our planet and in our LA-C region and the promotion of its application in policy formulation and the decision-making process.

Again, we are honored to roster a team of international specialists with extensive expertise in geopolitics. Besides dr Gyuala Csurgai, who is a permanent member of our staff the following recognized researchers have agreed to give keynotes, conferences and workshops during the course: Dr. David Criekemans of Geneva Institute of Geopolitical Studies (GIGS) and the Antwerp University, Dr. Goran Jovanovic, Professor of International Relations at the International University in Geneva, Dr. Jaime Antonio Preciado Coronado, professor at Universidad de Guadalajara Mexico and Dr. Jessica Byron, Lecturer and head of the Institute of International Relation (IIR) at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. Thereby, Dr Alejandro E. Caceres of the Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB) and Ir Jaime de Sola complete the team of speakers as experts on energy.

In compliance with its objectives LACIGS will also provide a venue for the presentation of new research papers in the field of geopolitics and invite researchers to submit abstracts. Students and young scientist are encouraged to do so.

It would be greatly appreciated if you nominate possible participants to this winter course and/or share this information with members of your staff. Please find attached the invitation letter, the program and a presentation of the faculty for this promising winter course.

Thank you for your willingness to consider and please do not hesitate to contact us at if additional information is required.

For an impression of last year winter course go to:

For additional information on the organization and the Winter Course please visit our website at
