Colombia Internacional
Colombia Internacional invites the academic community to take part in its upcoming Open Theme call.
Colombia Internacional, published by the School of Social Sciences at Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá – Colombia), will receive open theme articles from February 1 to 28, 2019. We invite those interested in participating in the call to send us unpublished papers presenting research results and theoretical innovations on debates in the fields of Political Science and International Relations. Papers can be sent in in Spanish, English or Portuguese.
Original articles must be submitted for consideration through our Scholar One platform in Word for Windows and formatted according to the journal’s editorial guidelines.These can be found at:
All articles will be subject to the following evaluation process: First, the editorial team will check whether the article complies by the journal’s basic requirements, and whether it is pertinent to the publication. Following this, it will be submitted for evaluation by two academic peers and by the Editorial Committee. The author(s) will be informed of the result of this process in less than six months following the date of closure for the call.
Articles sent to Colombia Internacional cannot be simultaneously submitted to other publications for evaluation.
Reviews should be sent to: