Call for Papers

50th Annual Urban Affairs Association Conference

April 2-4, 2020 | Washington, DC USA | Renaissance Hotel

Shaping the Future of Urban Research

The Urban Affairs Association (UAA) emerged through the development of urban research and outreach centers at U.S.-based colleges and universities, in the 1960s. A small group of center directors began meeting to share experiences and developmental strategies. This group became known as the Council of University Institutes for Urban Affairs (CUIUA) and held their first meeting in Boston Massachusetts on November 13, 1969, where an official constitution and bylaws were drafted and approved. In April of 1970, the council convened the first annual meeting of the organization in Washington, D.C.. In 1981, the board of CUIUA changed the name of the organization to the Urban Affairs Association (UAA). Today, the future of UAA as an organization is inextricably linked to the commitment and engagement of researchers, policy analysts, policy advocates, academic programs, research centers, and public/nonprofit practitioners seeking to advance the well-being of residents, neighborhoods, cities, and their respective metropolitan regions across the globe.

In April of 2020, UAA returns to Washington, D.C. to celebrate its 50th anniversary of annual meetings. The Opening Plenary of the 2020 conference will address the theme, “The State of Urban Affairs and the State of Urban Affairs Research.” This theme sets the stage for the overarching goals of the conference, which are: 1) to better understand our past, 2) to assess current realities, and 3) to create visions for the future that support a global urban research agenda.  The conference will provide opportunities to assess urban affairs as a field, and to develop ideas for enhancing its long-term prospects and impacts. We encourage proposals for paper, panel, colloquy and roundtable sessions to stimulate thinking and re-thinking of urban affairs, and to widen intellectual and professional networks.

October 1, 2019, 11:59pm (CDT) – Abstract/Session Proposal Deadline
December 13, 2019, 11:59pm (CDT) – Registration Deadline

Persons who miss these deadlines are welcome to attend as observers.

For more information visit:

UAA Conference Homepage: