Voices Afar: Perspectives and experiences of Caribbean educators and students in foreign lands
Caribbean Educational Research Journal [CERJ]
Special Issue Call for Proposals: Voices Afar: Perspectives and experiences of Caribbean educators and students in foreign lands.
Aims and Scope of CERJ
The Caribbean Educational Research Journal (CERJ) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes educational research, broadly defined, in relation to issues within the Caribbean region, about Caribbean populations beyond the Caribbean, and regarding topics that may be unrelated to but have direct implications for Caribbean populations and contexts. The journal considers educational research across the levels of preschool through adulthood. CERJ publishes research and scholarly papers, including original or empirical research, reviews, and essays. Articles published by CERJ reflect a range of research methodologies and theories as well as innovate avenues for disseminating scholarship such as multimodal publications. CERJ is open to qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. CERJ functions as an avenue for innovative modes of inquiry regarding Caribbean populations, issues, and contexts and seeks to link theory to practice by demonstrating how insights from Caribbean-related venues might influence scholarship beyond these contexts and vice versa. Because CERJ operates as an open forum, the contents should not be construed as a reflection of the stance of the University of the West Indies School of Education Cave Hill Campus, its officers, or its members.
Title of Special Issue: Voices Afar: Perspectives and experiences of Caribbean educators and students in foreign lands.
Guest Editor: Dave A. Louis, Ph.D. – Texas Tech University
Important Deadlines:
- Proposal Submission: March 22, 2019
- Full Draft (Accepted Applicants): May 29, 2019
- Final Draft (Accepted Applicants): August 3, 2019
Emigration to another Caribbean nation, to Europe, to North America, to Asia or to Africa, for educational purposes requires a significant and noteworthy level of commitment, sacrifice, and determination. This special issues of CERJ will explore the education experiences of Caribbean educators and students as they engage in their pursuits in environments other than their native homelands. Giving the voices to these specific Caribbean populations (students, faculty, teachers, administrators etc.) enables the educational field to have a greater understanding of their presence, impact, influence, struggles, and experiences.
Researchers can utilize qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods inquiry approaches; and must focus on Caribbean populations operating in non-native Caribbean countries. Of particular importance to this issue is that the research and stories that will be embodied in this issue will emanate from Caribbean researchers, Caribbean educators, and Caribbean students providing an emic view, keen perspective, and exclusive positionality garnering an honest examination of their experiences abroad.
Potential manuscripts will codify the importance of the footprint of Caribbean nationals in the educational field on a global scale. The far reaching influence of Caribbean educators and students cannot be underestimated and this special issue has the potential to highlight these individuals, groups and their respective lived-experiences.
The editor encourages submissions from seasoned scholars, emerging scholars, graduate students, research collaborations, qualitative researchers, quantitative researchers, educators in the field, and educational administrators to contribute to the special issue.
Proposals for Manuscripts:
Proposal abstracts must be between 250 and 300 words that describe the population being explored, the significance of the study, the methodology being used in the study, and the contribution that the findings have on the field of education. Proposal must be emailed to dave.louis@ttu.edu by the aforementioned deadline. Other questions regarding submission can be addressed directly to the CERJ Editorial Office at joel.warrican@cavehill.uwi.edu.