Special Issue of Social & Economic Studies on Reparation
The 34th Meeting of the CARICOM Heads of Government held in July 2013 in Trinidad & Tobago, agreed to establish National Committees on Reparation, to ascertain the moral, ethical and legal case for the payment of reparation by former colonial European countries, to the nations and people of the Caribbean Community, for native genocide, the transatlantic trafficking of Africans and a racialized system of chattel enslavement. Heads further agreed to establish a CARICOM Reparations Commission comprising the Chairs of the National Committees and a representative of the University of the West Indies (UWI) which would report directly to a Prime Ministerial Sub-committee chaired by the Prime Minister of Barbados. Why has CARICOM joined the reparation movement after decades of virtual silence? What strategies will it pursue? How can Caribbean scholars provide the intellectual guidance to the process? These are among the questions that this Special Issue will seek to address.
Scholars working on the issue of Reparatory Justice, especially where the work is focused on the Caribbean, are invited to contribute to a special issue of Social & Economic Studies (SES). Articles that are not Caribbean-focused but are of relevance to the region are also welcome. The special issue, to be co-edited by Hilary Beckles, Dorbrene O’Marde & Verene Shepherd, is tentatively titled “’The Debt Has Not Been Paid, the Accounts Have Not Been Settled’: The CARICOM Reparatory Justice Project”.
The deadline for receipt of completed articles is January 31, 2016. Articles must be submitted in electronic form by email to: ses@uwimona.edu.jm Our preferred style for references is the Chicago Manual author-date system. Please provide a 150-word abstract with up to five keywords.