Revista Mexicana del Caribe
The Revista Mexicana del Caribe announces a new era and returns to continue the dissemination of unpublished articles on the Caribbean, from the areas of the social sciences and the humanities. The academic community is invited to submit articles for publication, according to the following guidelines:
1) Previously unpublished research articles and reviews, written in Spanish, English or French that are not being considered for publication in any other medium, will be considered for publication in RMC.
2) Submissions will be accepted for peer-review once they have fulfilled the editorial requirements specified below.
3) Research articles will be reviewed by two specialist referees.
4) Three types of recommendation will be considered: 1) Accepted for publication without changes; 2) Accepted for publication with corrections; 3) Not recommended for publication.
5) The author will have 30 natural days to attend to the referees’ recommendations and to send the revised version of the article.
6) The Revista reserves the right to carry out style revision on all accepted submissions and to apply the editorial criteria considered necessary.
7) The author will receive the following documents, which must be signed and returned to the Revista:
a) Statement of the originality of the article.
b) A letter of release of copyright permitting the reproduction, dissemination and distribution of the accepted submission, through electronic, visual, printed or any other technological means, exclusively for scientific and cultural ends.
c) A letter of release of copyright for the images included in the submitted article.
8) The maximum length for submissions is 25 pages (including annexes, appendices, and images), letter size (21.59 x 27.94cm), with margins of 2cm. Type font should be Times New Roman 12, and interspacing 1.5.
9) Please include the following information on the first page. Do not use abbreviations:
a) Title of article
b) Name of author/s
c) Institutional Affiliation and address
d) Email
e) Curriculum (200 words, maximum).
10) Title. 12 words maximum, written in Spanish and English.
11) Abstract. 150 words maximum and specifying the kind of work carried out, the methodology employed, and results and conclusions. Written in Spanish and English.
12) Key Words. Five.
13) Introduction. All articles must include an introduction with the antecedents, argument and conclusions of the work.
14) Tables. All tables must include number, title and source, and be referenced in the text.
15) Graphs, diagrams, photographs and maps must include number, title and source, and be referenced in the text.
16) The text used on graphs, diagrams and maps must be legible
17) All images must be sent in a separate jpg file with a resolution of 300 dpi.
18) Bibliographical references are not to be included as footnotes.
19) Citations and references should conform to APA style (sixth edition in English; third edition in Spanish).
20) The bibliography should only list the sources that are cited in the text and each reference must be complete. No abbreviations.
21) Submissions will be received: