Call for Papers

(Re)thinking Latin American and Caribbean Borders

Call for Papers

Aware of the richness and importance of the debate on borders in Latin America and the Caribbean and in order to contribute to its organization and development, the promoter group of the Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) in the region invites academics and specialists in border studies to participate in the virtual seminar (Re)thinking Latin American and Caribbean Borders that will be held on Thursday, October 29 and Friday, October 30, 2020. The languages of the webinar will be Spanish and Portuguese.

Proposals for papers showing results or substantive progress of studies focused on the borders of Latin America and the Caribbean will be accepted. Priority will be given to proposals that (1) explore and expand, critically, the theoretical and conceptual tools for the study of borders and associated processes, (2) suggest or explore methodological approaches to better understand the emerging border processes, (3) propose comparative analyzes of border processes and phenomena between countries or regions in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Key Dates:

  • Call for Papers > September 4, 2020
  • Submission of Proposals/Papers > September 30, 2020
  • Selection Results > October 9, 2020
  • Official Program > October 12, 2020
  • Webinar > October 29 and 30, 2020

Interested should send their proposals to

A dozen of papers participating in the webinar will be selected to be sent to a double blind opinion. If approved, they would be published, once written in a special issue of Journal for Borderlands Studies and Revista de Estudios Fronterizos and eventually in other academic journals. Manuscripts must have a maximum length of 10,000 words, including notes and bibliography, and must be written in accordance with the language and editorial standards of the publication of interest. The deadline will be communicated, along with the selection, in the beginning of November.

Webinar Coordination: Juan Agulló (GEOF/UNILA, Brazil), Adriana Dorfman (Unbral/UFRGS, Brazil); Francisco Lara-Valencia (Arizona State University, USA).

Scientific Committee: Alejandro Benedec (GEFRE, CONICET/UBA, Argentina), Anne Péné-AnneLe (AIHP-GEODE, Université des Antilles, France); Bianca De Marchi Moyano (UE-CISOR, CONICET /UNJu, Argentina), Carlos Gilberto Zárate Boga (GET/ Universidad Nacional de Colombia); Eric Gustavo Cardin (LA-FRONT, UNIOESTE, Brazil), Federico Morales (UNAM, Mexico), Felipe Cuamea (UABC, Mexico); Francisco Enríquez (FLACSO Sede Ecuador); Haroldo Dilla Alfonso, (Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile), Hilda Garcia (El COLEF, Mexico), José Lindomar Albuquerque (Liminar/USP, Brazil), Juan Carlos Arriaga (UQRoo, Mexico);Juan Carlos Ramirez (UNA, Costa Rica); Manuel Dammert (PUCP, Peru); Marcela Tapia L. (INTE/UNAP, Chile), Mario Valero (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela), Olga Marina Sierra (UFS, Colombia), Rebeca Steiman (UFRJ, Brazil), Ricardo Jiménez Palacios (COES, Universidad de Chile); Tony Payan (Rice Univer-sity, USA)

Sponsors: Association for Borderland Studies, Journal of Borderlands Studies, Revista de Estudios Fronte-rizos

» Español (PDF)