Program Chairs Update – Review Process Complete!
We have just completed our review of submissions. We are now in the process of sending out acceptance letters via email. Please be patient with us during this time as we have over 800 submissions this year. And we created a new system with a group of program reviewers and blind review. Please note that we are sending out acceptances by topic and track through the new system. As we are using the new system to generate our letters, we ask if you have any issues or find errors, please let us know and we will do our best to generate a new letter for you (email us at:
In response to a few queries already, take note of the following:
1) In acceptance letters: for panels, the panel title is listed on all letters and the entire panel would receive a letter with their name and panel title not individual title; some letters may include a number before the paper/panel title, this is your abstract submission id number and it won’t be included anywhere else; some people have had trouble with sending us an email because of a link issue — to confirm, here is our email address:
2) The Conference Registration deadline has been extended to March 15th — please use the “Abstract and Registration Portal” — to check on the pricing for this year and note the after deadline prices. Click here for direct link to the Conference Registration Page.
4) You have until March 31st to confirm your attendance/presentation — this means you must pay for membership and registration by March 31st or we will remove your name/presentation from the conference program.
5) Please write to us (Program Chairs) directly with any issues with your letters or with any program-related queries, as well as any requests for scheduling. If you are not able to attend the conference and need to withdraw your submission, please let us know as soon as possible.
6) We will be working on the program agenda and schedule over the next month. Again, we ask for your patience. We plan to have a draft program ready by mid March.
Finally, for those who may be concerned about the recent unrest in Haiti, please read the statement from our President Carole Boyce Davies. We are moving forward with our conference planning, but of course we are monitoring the situation and being advised by the Local Organizing Committee. We will keep you updated and will share more soon.
Angelique V. Nixon
Marie-José Nzengou-Tayo
CSA 2016 Program Chairs