Job Opportunities

Postdoctoral Positions in Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture


The University of Maryland is offering two Postdoctoral positions in the fields of Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture. Eligible candidates will have completed a doctoral program in African American Studies, Art History, United States Labor History, United States or Global Migration Studies,  Digital Media, Historical and Cultural Visualization, or a related field in the past five years. These are full-time, professional-track faculty appointments for two years connected to our Andrew W. Mellon-funded initiative “Synergies among Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture” ( AADHum). The 12-month salary for these positions is $70,000, including full benefits. Additional funding is available for conference travel and professional development.

The AADHum postdocs in the fields of Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture provide exciting opportunities to contribute to a major interdisciplinary initiative at one of the nation’s highest-ranked public research universities, as well as to gain skills and knowledge related to emerging, innovative areas of research and teaching. Through these positions, the AADHum initiative seeks to advance and expand the fields of digital humanities and African American history and cultural studies, and to develop and diversify the pipeline for the next generation of scholars and professionals who foster engagement at this intersection.

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