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Post-Hurricane Psychological Support

Post-Hurricane Psychological Support

Message from Dr. Dawn Edge
University Academic Lead for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Senior Lecturer & Winston Churchill Fellow
Division of Psychology & Mental Health
Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health
The University of Manchester

Dear Professor Wood,

I am writing to you in your capacity as CSA President.

Here in the UK, we have been watching the news and seeing the devastation being wreaked by Hurricane Irma across the Caribbean and want to offer our assistance.

Whilst fully appreciating that the immediate focus must be on preserving lives and ensuring people have access to essentials, my colleagues Professor Rachel Calam (UK) and Dr Anilena Meija (Panama) have been thinking about how to support people to deal with the aftermath.

We wondered agencies such as Ministries of  Health of the countries affected would find the attached information a helpful resource. We believe that, as CSA President, you are ideally placed to disseminate information via your various networks.

For  information, Prof Calam is a Clinical Psychologist who specialises in working with families affected by trauma. You may be familiar with her work with UNODC. She also leads Manchester University’s Parenting and Families Research Group where further information is available.

Supporting Documents: