Inaugural Maple and Palm Forum
presented by
The Canada-Caribbean Institute in collaboration with the Canadian High Commission, and the Institute of Caribbean Studies, The UWI
In keeping with the strategic directions of The UWI to develop scholarship and teaching in the area of Global Comparative Cultural Studies and Applied Cultural Studies, we propose to stage an Inaugural Maple and Palm Forum with a focus on cultural connections between Canada and Jamaica under the theme Cultures of ‘Work’: Migration, Music, Media and Memory from Canada to Jamaica.
Date: February 25, 2021, 1:00 pm (EST); 2:00 pm (AST)
- Neil Armstrong, Freelance Journalist: “We Big Bout Yah: Taking up Space in Media and Locales in Canada”.
- Dr. Karen Flynn, Associate Professor, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: “The World Was Our Oyster” Jamaican Nurses and Nation Building”
- Dr. Lisa Tomlinson, Lecturer, Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of the West Indies: “Cinema Memory: Présence Jamaïcain and Black Canadian Filmmaking”
- Dr. Erin MacLeod, Lecturer, Vanier College, Montreal: “Music, Memory and the Canada/Jamaica Sound Clash”
- Vivian Lewis, McMaster University, University Librarian
Hosted online and in-person from The Maple and Palm Room at the Canadian High Commission, the forum will bring together academics from The UWI and Canada to explore and discuss the cultural connections between our two regions.