Harry Hodson Prize
What does the Commonwealth mean to you? Human rights? Democracy? Legal frameworks? Cultural networks? Trade? Development? Environmental awareness? Imperial legacies? Postcolonial ambitions?
Do you want to get published, and see your ideas in print?And win £1,000 into the bargain?
The Round Table: the Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs(the UK’s oldest international relations journal) invites essays on these and other topics as they relate to the Commonwealth as a whole or one of its component parts.
The Hodson prize is an annual award by The Round Table in memory of its one-time editor, Harry Hodson (later editor of The Sunday Times), to mark his association with The Round Table for nearly 70 years.
The prize is awarded for a publishable essay of between 1500 and 2000 words, contributed by anyone aged 30 years or younger on 31st December of the year in which it is submitted. The topic may be freely chosen by applicants, but should be of relevance to the contemporary Commonwealth.
The prize has two components:
(a) publication of the winning article in The Round Table in the following year;
(b) a cash award of £1,000.
Where the winner is a resident in the UK, or another Commonwealth country in which The Round Table holds activities, it is hoped that the prize winner may be invited to receive the prize in person. In any event, The Round Table will publicise the name of the winner.
Details of previous winners and their essay topics are on the website.
Entries for the 2017 award should be marked ‘Hodson Prize’ and sent – via e-mail only – by 31 October 2017 to Dr Venkat Iyer (Editor, The Round Table), at hodsonprize@gmail.com.
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For more information visit: www.commonwealthroundtable.co.uk/journal/harry-hodson-memorial-prize/