CSA Elections 2018
During the 43rd Annual Conference week (June 4th- 8th, 2018), the Caribbean Studies Association also holds its annual Executive Council Elections. As a member in good financial standing, you are invited to participate in the election process. You may vote by completing the online ballot no later than 12 noon (EST) on Friday, June 1st, 2018 (sent to active members via e-mail).
In order to cast your vote online, you will be required to provide your CSA Member/Profile ID. To locate your Member/Profile ID log into the Abstract & Registration Portal. Your ID is found in the field titled Profile ID.
For more information about the candidates, please visit the CSA Election Information website.
The deadline to cast an online vote is 12 noon (EST), Friday, June 1st, 2018. At the conference venue, on-site voting will be conducted between Monday, June 4th and Wednesday, June 6th, 2018. The final results of the election will be announced on Thursday, June 7th, 2018 at the CSA Business Meeting. Kindly contact the Secretariat (secretariat@caribbeanstudiesassociation.org) with any queries you may have.
We strongly encourage our members to cast a ballot and have a say in the future leadership team of the Caribbean Studies Association. Without exercising your right to vote as a CSA Member, you do a disservice to the democratic nature of the organization.
Kind regards,
CSA Secretariat