CSA Conference Literary Salon
Call for Submissions
All accepted and attending participants in CSA2024 Annual Conference are invited to present their written, original creative work, or oral dramatic performances, as part of the conference’s Literary Salon.
The objective of the Literary Salon is to create a space for and increase the presence of the many creative voices among CSA members that dialogue with (and often challenge) conventional academia or scholarly output.
Original creative work includes, but is not limited to, poetry, short fiction, short creative non-fiction, or an excerpt from a longer piece. Dramatic performance includes, but is not limited to, spoken-word poetry and dramatic readings.
Each presenter will have 10 minutes to present his/her creative work.
The Literary Salon Committee is particularly interested in work that explores any aspect of the conference’s theme: CSA at 50: Caribbean Development Sustainability- The Convergence of Technology, People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity & Partnerships.
All proposals, along with the requisite information itemized below, should be sent electronically to all three emails with “Literary Salon” in the email’s subject line to:
- Rita Keresztesi: ritak@ou.edu
- Kem-Laurie Lubin: k4lubin@uwaterloo.ca
- Maggie Shrimpton Masson: maggieshrimpton@yahoo.com.mx
Please include the following information:
- Name, email, institutional affiliation, position in the institution (or independent)
- Brief bio (100 words)
- Descriptive summary of the creative presentation (250 words), or a fragment of the work (250 words)
The deadline for submission of proposals is 30 April 2024. Accepted presenters will be notified by 10 May 2024.
For any questions about the Literary Salon please write “QUESTION: Literary Salon” in the email’s subject line and send email to all three members of the Literary Salon Committee.