Call for Papers

Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today

Virtual Biennial Conference
November 8 – 12, 2021

Theme: “The Covid Effect: Turning the Tide”


Rationale: The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted our local, regional and global reality in an unprecedented fashion. Arguably, before Covid, the Caribbean was faced with “a crisis of connection”, owing to a growing disconnection among our people; The bishops of the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) have always been alert to the need for Caribbean societies to deepen ways of connecting in our societies in order to express the interdependence and interconnection that exists among all creatures (AEC Bishops, 2005).

The Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today (CTCT) has noted the need for greater reflection on this crisis of connection, particularly the way in which it has been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic which is throwing a spotlight on how we relate with God, self, the other, and all of creation. With the pandemic, we are perhaps faced with an important turning point in our individual, ecclesial, social, and regional journey. Thus, we are inviting Caribbean thinkers, activists, artists, laity, pastoral workers, academics, clergy and theologians to reflect, prepare, and present on the theme, at our 2021 virtual Conference.

Interdisciplinary contributions are welcome and these can be any combination of the theological, pastoral, womanist, personal and anthropological, among others.

Guidelines for Abstracts/Proposals:

  • Name of presenter(s) & contact details.
  • Short bio.
  • Title/Topic.
  • Explain Format: poetry, movement, narrative/theological discourse, art, etc.
  • Explain Topic: how does it connect to theme and rationale? How does it relate to current/previous work?
  • Limit: 200 words.

Important dates:

  • OPEN – Abstracts/Proposals to be submitted to
  • October 29, 2021 – Pre-recorded video and paper to be submitted
  • November 8 – 12, 2021 – Virtual Biennial Conference

Conference Contribution:

  • US$50.00 or TT$350.00 – Conference fee (non-members).
  • US$40.00 or TT$280.00 – Conference fee for “paid up” members.
  • FREE: Caribbean Students, Members (75yrs and over)