Job Opportunities

Cluster Hire in Digital Humanities

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities  (CSSH) at Northeastern University invites applications and nominations for several open rank faculty positions in Digital Humanities with a specialization in literary, cultural, or historical studies, information science, or design. Home departments include English, History, Languages, Literatures and Culture or other units with in CSSH with the opportunity for cross appointments with other colleges including Computer and Information Science; Arts, Media and Design.

In association with Northeastern’s multidisciplinary research center, the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks (, this cluster hire builds on Northeastern’s national prominence in the digital humanities, computational social science, and network science. The NULab fosters collaborative work across disciplines in a community that includes faculty, students, staff, and an extended research network. Research foci includes large-scale data analysis and visualization, new modes of scholarly communication, information design, and social media. Northeastern’s digital humanities community also draws on strong working relationships with the library’s Digital Scholarship Group, and on collaborative ties with researchers in computer science, design, game studies, and network science.

With these new positions we seek to strengthen and diversify our faculty to support Northeastern’s new graduate certificate program in Digital Humanities. We welcome applications from those engaged in research areas and technologies including (but not limited to) geospatial analysis, critical race and digital humanities, geohumanities, text mining, topic modeling, network analysis, natural language processing, gaming, new media, digital curation, and data visualization and design. We are particularly interested in research that explores the critical and cultural significance of tools and methods in the context of questions of race, gender, sexuality and politics.

Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent terminal degree at the beginning of the appointment and a record of scholarship and teaching commensurate with rank.  Successful applicants will have the ability to initiate and lead major funded research projects, to promote innovation in teaching, and to engage with practitioners in the public, private and non-profit sectors.

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities is a leader in the Experiential Liberal Arts (

Northeastern University in Boston is a nationally ranked research university with a strong urban mission, a global perspective, and an emphasis on interdisciplinary scholarship and experiential learning.

To apply visit the College of Social Sciences and Humanities website at: and click on the full time