Caribbean Music: Glocal Scenes and Transnational Practices
Call for Chapter Proposals
“Caribbean Music: Glocal Scenes and Transnational Practices”
Vernon Press invites submissions of chapter proposals for the book “Caribbean Music: Glocal Scenes and Transnational Practices.” With the publication of this volume, our aim is to showcase Caribbean musical expressions that transcend their local, regional, and/or national boundaries. Consequently, we expect a significant contribution of texts that emphasize music created in/from/for the insular Caribbean and the Caribbean coasts of the American continent while facilitating the generation of glocal knowledge and collective transnational reflections from our region.
To date, Caribbean sound-musical practices have been relatively understudied in their dialogical relationships with the different territories and nations that constitute the so-called Caribbean culture. An important milestone in this regard is the book “Música Latinoamericana y Caribeña” (1995) by Professors Zoila Gómez and Victoria Eli. However, nearly thirty years after its publication, Caribbean music remains an understudied practice in our academic institutions and research centers. Considering this, this call for proposals aims to contribute to the visibility of studies prioritizing transnational readings of glocal musical scenes collectively generated.
In this context, we understand glocal knowledge as the knowledge situated in liminal spaces that give rise to sound-musical practices in the interstices of local and global scenes, occurring in traditional, folkloric, and/or popular contexts. Moreover, the term transnational alludes to the need for reflections on social fields that transcend the political borders of our countries, shaping a purported Caribbean music as an exclusive production of the region. Given the inherent nature of the proposed theme, we aim to engage with Caribbean music as both an object of study, the subjects-actors of these scenes, and their sociocultural practices.
Considering the, this call for chapter proposals seeks contributions covering the following general themes, among others that authors may propose:
- Caribbean music and regional identity.
- The historical context of Caribbean musical expressions.
- Glocal musical scenes from the Caribbean.
- Sonoro-musical transnationality on the continental Caribbean coast.
- The emergence of new musical scenes in the Caribbean.
- Media practices for an imagined Caribbean music.
How to Submit Your Proposal:
Chapter proposals should take the form of extended abstracts of 400 to 600 words (including references). Additionally, prospective authors must provide their names, academic status, institutional affiliation, a brief biography (100 words), and an email address. All proposals and additional inquiries should be sent via email to Dr. Pablo Suárez ( by January 9, 2024.
Upon acceptance of the abstracts, authors are required to submit their complete manuscripts, with a length of 6,000 to 8,000 words (including tables, graphs, figures, and references), by May 9, 2024. Manuscripts should be written in Spanish (Latin America), be original, and not have been previously published or accepted for publication by another publisher and/or academic journal. For citation and critical formatting, the Chicago Style as described in this link shall be used:
Submitted chapters will be evaluated by peer reviewers using a double-blind review system. Authors will be notified of the final acceptance of their chapters and inclusion in the published book starting September 9, 2024. It is expected that the final volume will be published in the first half of 2025. Information regarding copyright, editorial distribution, and marketing of the book can be found at the following link:
About the Coordinator:
Prof. Pablo Alejandro Suárez Marrero holds a Ph.D. and a Master of Arts (University of Guanajuato), a B.A. in Cultural Heritage (University of Havana) and is an Instrumentalist-Professor of Flute and Ensemble Practice (National School of Music of Cuba). Suárez Marrero has published several articles in academic journals and chapters in books edited by universities and research centers in Ibero-America. Furthermore, he has participated in international congresses, symposia, workshops, and colloquia on musicology and social studies of music in various countries in the region. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Music of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico) and an Instructor Teacher at the University College San Gerónimo of the University of Havana (Cuba). His academic interests encompass popular musicology, music education, audiovisual documents, transmedia narratives, and subaltern masculinities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
About the Publisher:
Vernon Press is an independent publisher of academic books in the social sciences and humanities. We value pluralism, intellectual diversity, and openness. For more information about the publisher, please visit their official website at Additionally, you can review the books published on Music Studies at As part of this collection, the publisher released the
volume “Escenas Diversas: Drama, Humor y Música” (Vernon Press, 2023), a collective book by Hispanic American researchers reflecting on various musical scenes in Hispanic America, coordinated by Dr. Pablo Suárez.