Caribbean In/securities and Creativity (CARISCC) Postgraduate Conference
The CARISCC Research Network invites submissions of abstracts of up to 300 words for research papers addressing issues of in/security and creativity, to be presented at the forthcoming CARISCC Postgraduate Conference, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica, on Monday 15 January 2018.
Many scholars have highlighted the creative practices that Caribbean people routinely deploy in the face of insecurity caused by poverty, inequality, environmental challenges and violence. Although questions of Caribbean security and insecurity are often addressed as matters of governmental or military concern, this conference seeks to explore reconceptualisations of security and insecurity (in/security) through creativity.
We are interested in creativity in a broad sense, including artistic practices such as literature, film, theatre, dance, music and visual arts, but also the creative ways in which people live their lives (e.g. balance budgets, interpret policy, and perform politics). In examining the links between precariousness and creativity, this CARISCC conference aims to bring together new approaches to the study of global security.
Therefore, CARISCC welcomes research papers and presentations which explore how in/security, as experienced and negotiated by ordinary people, informs creative and cultural practices in the Caribbean region.
Further details about this conference invitation, the provisional programme, suggested sub-themes, and additional information about applying for travel bursaries are available online via the CARISCC website: The call for papers can also be downloaded as a PDF file:
Abstracts of 200-300 words should be emailed to the conference convener Dr Patricia Noxolo (, using the subject heading “CARISCC Postgraduate Conference.” Please include your university affiliation details, your preferred email address and a short biography of up to 150 words. It is anticipated that each presentation/research paper will last 10-15 minutes; and updated programme details will be released prior to the date of the conference to confirm presentation requirements and duration.
The deadline for submitting abstracts and 150-word biographies (as well as bursary applications) is Friday 24 November 2017.