Call for Papers

Call for Proposals: Latin America & Caribbean Higher Education

The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) has announced a call for Special Issue Summer 2023: The Road Towards UNESCO’s Sustainable Goals Amidst the Pandemic of Covid -19 in Latin America and the Caribbean Higher Education.

Special Issue guest editors:

In light of the disruption that all sectors of society around the world experienced and continues to experience due to the Pandemic of Covid-19, UNESCO is calling upon the global higher education community for new knowledge and innovation towards the 2030 Agenda for Development and beyond. As such, the 3rd UNESCO’s World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) to be held in Barcelona in May 18-20, 2022, is poised to bring together stakeholders from round the planet to continue defining the agenda for higher education towards sustainable goals, amidst the deepening challenges and new possibilities due to Covid-19. In 2021-2022, The UNESCO’s International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) has engaged in a series of events meant to collect the voices of stakeholders in the region leading to the WHEC2022 around key issues in Latin America and the Caribbean higher education, framed under the impact of Covid-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Inspired by UNESCO’s WHEC2022 and the issues identified as part of the consultations for this event by IELSAC, the Journal of International and Comparative Higher Education is interested in proposals of academic works focusing on Latin America and the Caribbean higher education addressing any of these key issues above framed under the challenges and opportunities brought by the Pandemic of Covid-19 and leading towards the UNESCO’s Sustainable Goals.  In particular, we seek articles addressing any of these issues:

  • curricular quality and relevance
  • academic mobility
  • governance
  • financing
  • data and knowledge production
  • international cooperation to improve synergies
  • preparing for the futures of higher education

All articles must frame these issues within the effects of the Pandemic of Covid-19 and/or UNESCO´s Sustainable Goals. Proposals should be 500 words and submitted on or before June 30, 2022. Authors will be notified by July 30 of their acceptance. Completed articles should be submitted by November 1st, 2022. All articles will undergo a double-blind peer review process and should follow the guidelines specified in the journal website at

Proposals and articles can be submitted in either English or Spanish. However, accepted papers can be published in French, Haitian Creole, or Portuguese if the author(s) provide a translated version.

Please contact Dr. Pilar Mendoza ( and/or Dr. Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez ( for content related questions. Proposals should be submitted to both guest editors, Dr. Mendoza and Dr. Castiello-Gutiérrez.