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CSA2023 Conference Press Release


April 30, 2023

Caribbean Studies Association 47th International Conference to be Held in St. Croix, Virgin Islands (US)- June 5th to 9th , 2023.

The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA2023) Conference is celebrating the 49th CSA Anniversary, the 47th CSA Conference, and featuring the
intellectual richness, transcultural value, cultural heritage education, socioeconomic diversity, intergenerational equity and more within St. Croix,
the Virgin Islands, and the wider Caribbean Americas regionally and globally.

The theme for the CSA2023 Conference is: Transforming Our Caribbean: Sustainable Educational Research, Cultural Creatives, Sacred Traditions,
Economic Development and Environmental Solutions. The CSA2023 Conference is scheduled for Monday, June 5th to Friday, June 9th.2023 – for
the first time- on St. Croix in the Virgin Islands (US). CSA2023 Conference sessions are being hosted at the University of the Virgin Islands’
Medical Simulation Center (UVI MSC) and the Research and Technology Park (RTPark).

“We’re proud and excited to welcome CSA members from all over the Global South to this very special event that will also feature the value, worth,
sacred intentions, rich cultural heritage and harmony of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands (US) within this region,” commented Dr. Chenzira Davis
Kahina, CSA President.

The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) “is an independent professional organization devoted to the promotion of Caribbean studies from a
multidisciplinary, multicultural point of view. It is the primary association for scholars and practitioners working on the Caribbean Region (including
Central America and the Caribbean Coast of South America).” CSA members come from the Caribbean Region, North America, South America,
Central America, Africa, Europe and elsewhere. Founded in 1974 by 300 Caribbeanists, the CSA membership and associates has increased to as
many as 1000-plus. Visit for more information.

Over 150 current CSA2023 conference registrants and their families will visit and experience St. Croix, Virgin Islands- designated as a US National
Heritage Area- from across the globe. CSA2023 will include five days with #TransformingOurCaribbean themed plenaries, workshops, panels,
film screenings, roundtables, networking sessions, creative arts and edutainment, interdisciplinary breakout sessions, poster presentations,
school and community center visits, cultural heritage education tours, and young scholars’ sessions. As an academic and membership
organization, CSA2023 features signature events: CSA Journal Launch, CSA Cultural Night, CSA Book Exhibit, CSA Authors Celebration, CSA Mentorship Program Brunch, CSA Annual General Membership Meeting that culminate with the CSA2023 Awards Gala.

This is the first in-person conference the organization has held since June 2019. CSA2023 Program Chair Professor Meagan Sylvester
commented, “In many respects, the Caribbean has survived and continues to progressively thrive beyond the tremendous losses experienced
during and within the ongoing aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

CSA2023 Sponsors & Supporters include: Research and Technology Park (UVI); Creative Justice Initiative; VI Department of Tourism; 175th VI
Emancipation Commission; UVI Medical Simulation Center; The Company House & Caravelle Hotels; St. Croix Foundation for Community
Development- Non Profit Consortium; Carambola Hotel Resort; Tamarind Reef Hotel; Women’s Coalition of St. Croix; CaribNewsRoom; Let’s Do It
In the Caribbean; Dr. Simone Palmer Wellness Center; Caribbean Museum Center for the Arts; and anonymous persons supporting #AllThingsCSA.
Additional, corporate/Institutional entities and individuals interested in being featured as sponsors for CSA2023, the CSA Journal and future CSA
programs or events can act now to benefit from lucrative and unique promotional opportunities that support Caribbean Studies.

It’s no secret that Caribbean culture and its diaspora are undergoing another Renaissance. Our values, calls for self-determination, and engagement platforms are reaching a global audience more than ever. For folks like us, CSA 2023 is designed to help future-proof the movement for the next generation of academics, artists, activists, entrepreneurs and thought leaders. Get involved by registering as our guest, an exhibitor, or a conference sponsor. Let’s renew those relationships this June 2023 and continue to celebrate the best of us. Join us at the CSA 2023. June 5th to 9th on St. Croix, Virgin Islands (US).

CSA Social Media:
Follow CSA on Facebook
Twitter @CaribbeanSAssoc
#TransformingOurCaribbean #AllThingsCSA #CSA2023StCroix #StCroixAVibeLikeNoOther #CaribbeanStudiesAssociation

CSA2023 Conference Program Contacts:
Meagan Sylvester, CSA2023 Program Committee Chair
Jewel Nicome, CSA2023 Program & President Administrative Assistant

St. Croix Local Organizing Committee Co-Chairs:
Debra Benjamin, CSA2023 St. Croix Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair
Chalana Brown, CSA2023 St. Croix Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair

The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) is a, nonprofit U.S. 501 (C)3 tax-exempt charitable association, EIN: 45-2318579