8th Annual Postgraduate Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies 2023
Date: Friday 21st April and Saturday 22nd April 2023
Venue: Online (Society for Caribbean Studies’ online platform).
The Society for Caribbean Studies’ Postgraduate Network invites submissions of abstracts of no more than 250 words for research papers or posters on the Hispanic, Francophone, Dutch and Anglophone Caribbean and their diasporas, for its annual postgraduate conference. We welcome abstracts from postgraduates at various stages of their research, whose research concerns any aspect of Caribbean Studies. We also welcome proposals for complete panels, which should consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 presenters.
Presenters selected for the conference will be invited to register free of charge and to give a 15-minute presentation or to present a pdf poster for online presentation. Abstracts should be submitted along with a bio of not more than 150 words, with the heading “SCS Postgraduate Conference”. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
Please note that though conference attendance is free, if you are not a member for the Society for Caribbean Studies, you will be expected to apply for membership and pay the membership fee prior to presenting at the conference. Details on how to apply can be found on our website:http://community-languages.org.uk/scs/about/join/
We are open to receiving abstracts and bios presented in languages other than English (e.g. French or Spanish) but please note that English translations should also be submitted, and it will be the responsibility of the presenter to ensure that English translations of posters and presentations are provided before the conference if they want to make them available.
As the conference will be hosted online, we will be arranging a small number of £10 data bursaries for attendees who would otherwise be unable to access the event due to insufficient data. If you would like to apply for a data bursary, please submit (along with your abstract and bio) a 150-word justification for why you should receive it. (Please note that these bursaries are for conference attendance only and do not cover the membership fee.)
The 8th Annual Postgraduate Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies is free to attend. It builds on the tradition of previous years’ postgraduate conferences. As Caribbean Studies postgraduates are often dispersed across departments and universities, this event hopes to offer delegates an opportunity to meet with others who share their interests and to discuss their work, fostering ties that will endure throughout their studies. The feedback from previous attendees of the conference is that it provided them the opportunity to present their work in a collaborative and supportive environment. We intend this to be an opportunity for delegates to share and receive feedback on their work in a friendly and informal setting.
Please send abstracts of up to 250 words (in English or with an English translation) to: societyforcaribbeanstudies@gmail.com, for consideration by Miriam Gordon and Willy Pedroso, SCS Postgraduate Representatives, in discussion with Dr. Leighan Renaud.