2 Doctoral Positions at ERC Minor Universality
Two doctoral positions to be filled from October 1st 2020 in the transdisciplinary ERC research group “Minor Universality” at Saarland University (Germany). “Minor Universality. Narrative World Productions After Western Universalism” is a research project led by Professor Markus Messling and financed by a European Research Council’s Consolidator Grant (https://www.uni-saarland.de/lehrstuhl/messling/forschungerc-projekt.html).
Given our research focus inquiring the conditions for the emergence of a global consciousness today, we would be more than happy to receive applications from doctoral candidates with a strong record in Caribbean Studies. As you will see in the calls for application i the link listed above, one doctoral project (in Cultural Anthropology) will be dealing with life stories of contemporary refugees; the other (in Sociology of Art/Literature) with Literary and/or Art Festivals. The initial deadline (01.03.2020) will be extended until 15.03.2020.