Patricia Saunders, New Executive Council Member
Patricia Saunders is Associate Professor of English at the University of Miami. She is also the Senior Co-editor of Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal, an open access peer reviewed journal. Her book publications include Alienation and Repatriation: Translating Identity in Anglophone Caribbean Literature (Rowman and Littlefield, 2007). She is also the co-editor of Music. Memory. Resistance: Calypso and the Literary Imagination (Ian Randle Press, 2007). Her current scholarship focuses on consumer culture and the production of the Caribbean region in films, hip-hop and dancehall music, visual art and “sista-girl” literature. Her work has appeared in numerous journals including The Journal of West Indian Literature, Small Axe, Plantation Society in the Americas, the Bucknell Review, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies and Feminist Studies. She is completing a manuscript entitled Buyers Beware: Insurgency and Consumption in Caribbean Popular Culture is forthcoming with Rutgers University Press.