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Handbook of Gender Studies in the Dutch Caribbean

New Book: Handbook of Gender Studies in the Dutch Caribbean

Volume Editors: Rose Mary Allen and Sruti Bala

Edited by Rose Mary Allen and Sruti Bala, this comprehensive handbook of gender studies scholarship on the Dutch Caribbean islands thematically covers the history of movements for gender equality; the relation of gender to race, colonialism, sexuality; and the arts and popular culture. The handbook offers unparalleled insights into a century of debates around gender from the six islands of the Dutch Caribbean (Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba).

This handbook makes gender studies in the Dutch Caribbean accessible to an international readership. Besides key academic writings, it includes primary historical sources, translations from Papiamento and Dutch, as well as personal memoirs and poetry.

» To learn more or purchase a copy: CLICK HERE