CaribOx Visiting Fellowships
The Caribbean Oxford Initiative: Applications now open!
2025 will be our pilot year for the programme. We will award two Visiting Fellowships and one Travel Grant to scholars employed in Caribbean institutions of higher education. Applications are open for individuals working across all academic disciplines.
The CaribOx Visiting Fellowships are for one calendar year: ten months of virtual engagement with Oxford collaborators, during which they will have access to online University of Oxford resources, and two months in residence in Oxford that will coincide with our summer term (Trinity term; 27 April to 21 June 2025). The Visiting Fellowship is a chance for Oxford researchers to further connect with their colleagues at Caribbean-based institutions.
During their residency in Oxford, All Souls College will offer the Visiting Fellows accommodation at one of their properties as well as Senior Common Room membership, which includes daily lunch and dinner. We will cover the cost of travel to Oxford and are also pleased to offer a per diem to each Visiting Fellow. In addition to this, we will assist with visa costs.
The CaribOx Travel Grants are intended for academics in the earlier stages of their careers who would benefit from a two-week research stay in Oxford. We will cover costs of travel to Oxford and will offer the Grant recipient a per diem to help with accommodation and subsistence costs. Where necessary, assistance with visas will also be available. Recipients are free to come to Oxford during any of our 2025 academic terms (Hilary Term: 19 January to 15 March; Trinity Term: 27 April to 21 June; Michaelmas Term 12 October 6 December).
The deadline for applications for Visiting Fellowships and Travel Grants is Monday, 23 September, 5pm (BST).
You can find more information on this page: If you have specific questions about CaribOx, please email