4th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Sociological Association
DATE: September 26-27, 2024
VENUE: UWI Regional Headquarters, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica
THEME: Decolonizing Development: Re-imagining Development for a Sustainable and Just Global Community
INSTRUCTIONS: Inviting abstracts of maximum 150 words in length, the conference seeks submissions aligned with the theme of re-imagining global development through a de-colonial lens. Abstract submissions are open to all interested parties, including sociologists, academicians, students, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. The conference encourages exploration of various sub-themes such as decolonial theory, social justice, migration, and governance. While there is a focus on the Caribbean, submissions relevant to the theme from all regions are welcomed. Accepted abstracts will be considered for oral presentation at the conference.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: July 2, 2024
Acceptance of abstracts: July 12, 2024
Deadline for early bird payment: July 31, 2024
SUBMIT ABSTRACT TO: casaconference2024@gmail.com
Early Bird Registration (until July 31, 2024): USD $75
Regular Registration (after July 31, 2024): USD $100 (Members) / USD $150 (Non-Members)
For more information visit: www.caribsociology.org or send an e-mail to casaconference2024@gmail.com.